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Chef Omer

“When I was in the military service I choose to cook because I did not like to shoot”

Chef Omer


Chef Omer is very well known for his amazing platting style & presentation, but that wasn’t always the case.  There was a time where Omer didn’t know that he wanted to even be a chef in the first place. While most chefs start by cooking with their parents or elders in the kitchen as  young child, Omer got introduced into the culinary world a little differently.  “When I was in the military service I choose to cook because I did not like to shoot”.  This decision later led Omer to attend Scoula Italiana Pizzaioli (Pasta – Pizza) and then to learn directly from other chefs.  Don’t ever underestimate his passion for the culinary world though, because that is what pushes him to be the best chef, he can be every day.   

While growing up in Turkey where being a chef is very popular, Omer was never discouraged from his career choice.  He was even inspired by other chefs like “Chef Fatih Tutak, because I loved his cooking technique.”  Which is fitting because now Chef Omer is lighting that same fire in other chefs with his techniques.  When it comes to advice he gives up and coming chefs he tells them, “Always choose to work with a better chef every time”.  You can’t push yourself or grow if you are not challenged, and in the culinary world it’s easy to get complacent if you’re not careful.  This is something that Omer doesn’t have to worry about because his main source of inspiration is “Nature”, and it is ever changing just like his platting styles.   

Once you start to go through the masterpieces that Chef Omer creates on the plate you start to realize just how meticulous each dish is.  This is not something that is easy to achieve and takes time to plan as well as execute day in and day out.  To revitalize his own creative juices and keep self-care up Omer likes to “nap & swim”, this keeps his stress down.  One thing that doesn’t stress him out however is completing a meal.  “One of the proudest moments of my career is every time after I cook,” this is such a true statement because as chefs we leave our heart on the table.  If Chef Omer leaves his heart on his plates the same way then we know that it is filled with love, just like his creations.  

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